Online Pacifying the Mind: Atisha's Seven Points

With Tsangsar Tulku Rinpoche

June 26 - 30, 2024

  • $40.00 – Online: $250 (Suggested)

Atisha’s instructions in Seven Points of Mind Training can make reality more flexible, virtuous, and easy. These instructions also teach us how to cultivate loving-kindness, compassion, and bodhicitta through the special practice of tonglen or “giving and taking.” Join us as we delve into these extraordinary topics under the guidance of Tsangsar Tulku Rinpoche.

Program Highlights

In-depth Exploration of Atisha’s Seven Points of Mind Training: Embark on a journey into the heart of mind training as Tsangsar Tulku Rinpoche presents the transformative wisdom encapsulated in Atisha’s teachings. In the serene setting of Gomde California’s Buddha Hall, we will study these seven points and engage in transformative practices to infuse daily life with joy, virtue, and purpose.

Morning and Evening Community Practice: Deepen your meditation practice alongside fellow Dharma students in communal meditation sessions guided by Tsangsar Rinpoche and our resident practitioners.

Integration Day: Sundays are dedicated to deepening your practice and integrating the teachings received during the retreat. Engage in guided meditations, contemplative walks, and group discussions to internalize the wisdom of Atisha’s Seven Points of Mind Training.


Program Details

Prerequisites: Open to individuals of all levels of experience, from beginners to advanced practitioners.

Scholarships: Limited need-based scholarships are available. For inquiries, please reach out to

Onsite Attendance:

*Cancellations made within 3 weeks of the program’s start are subject to a $100 processing fee.

About the Leader

Tsangsar Tulku Rinpoche

Tsangsar Tulku Rinpoche was born in 197​5​. After finishing a three-year retreat, which he began at age 13, h​​e took on the responsibility of Retreat Master at the seat of his father and ancestors at Tsangsar Lha Lam Osel Ling. At the age of 17, ​Rinpoche received full ordination from Venerable Dil Yag Dabzang Rinpoche, […]

Learn more about Tsangsar Tulku Rinpoche

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