Online Trinley Nyingpo Practice Retreat

March 7 - 10, 2024

  • $30.00 to $108.00

This long weekend practice retreat will focus on our primary Guru Rinpoche practice, the Trinley Nyingpo. In recent years, Lama Tsultrim Sangpo has taken us into the intricacies of deity practice using this special sadhana from the Tukdrub Barche Kunsel, The Heart Practice that Dispels all Obstacles. Our upcoming weekend retreat will be an opportunity to put his instructions into practice.

The Tukdrub Barche Kunsel Guru Rinpoche empowerment is not required to attend this retreat, but it is required if one wishes to make the Trinley Nyingpo their daily practice. Please note that this empowerment was offered by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche during his Annual Seminar at Gomde California in 2019 and 2023, as well as by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche during his Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo program in 2018.

Please note that this is a practice retreat—primarily intended for the many of us who have received instructions on this sadhana in the past. There may be some general Q&A during the program, but most of the sessions will be focused on practice.

Upon registration you will receive an email containing a wealth of resources for the retreat or for one’s personal practice of the Trinley Nyingpo—including an extensive series of recorded teachings given by Lama Tsultrim Sangpo.

We look forward to practicing this essential sadhana of Guru Rinpoche together.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us at